We've helped thousands of authors raise millions through crowdfunding. Kickstarter is the best way to bring immediate revenue into your author business and start monetizing your audience today.
Now, you can get our most powerful program filled with everything you need to crush it on Kickstarter for 50% off, but hurry b/c this truly is a one time offer.
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Raised $20,500+ on a publishing project...
"Funded in 28 minutes! Thanks for all your help, Russell Nohelty and Monica Leonelle!!!"
$4,486 on a first campaign...
"Never, ever, in my wildest dreams did I expect to get featured by Kickstarter on my first campaign. There's no way I would've done it without all of you, and Russell, and Monica. So thank you for your feedback and support while I was freaking out if this campaign would work at all, because it's meant the world. All the little things pay off, and you do better over time."
$6,000+ on a first campaign...
“YOU ALL I AM CRYING!!!! My first campaign ever is 267% funded in just 2.5 hours and I'm so overwhelmed and grateful I'm just over here crying. Sooo many years of struggling and struggling to make a buck or get my books seen at all... To have this kind of response to my first ever campaign has just floored me. And from very few backers. This just blows my mind... BANK NOT RANK. I'm a Kickstarter convert 1000%... thank you thank you again Russell and Monica... once again, you have totally changed my little indie life!!!!"